Taking care of people and local communities: the relationship between third sector entities and local organizations in public reception system

Since the late 90’s to nowadays, the third sector entities have managed the welcoming of asylum seekers and refugees together with municipalities, public administrations and prefectures playing a more and more marginal role in defining guidelines, procedures and reception programmes’ goals. The relationship between third sector entities and public administrations can be defined only on a local level when procedures and guidelines are already defined, or is it possible for national networks to dialogue with the subjects that make decisions and have the responsibility to indicate a concrete application of the law? Is it possible to give an impulse centrally to a local relation  built around co-planning?

To moderate:  Raffaella Maria Cosentino (Rainews)

Introduction: Filippo Miraglia (ARCI nazionale) 

Panelists: Rocco Guarino (Presidente Provincia di Potenza), Elly Schlein (Vice Presidente Regione Emilia Romagna – Conferenza delle Regioni),  Matteo Biffoni Sindaco di Prato (ANCI), Michela Lattarulo (Ministero dell’Interno – da confermare), Stefano Brugnara (presidente ASP Bologna),  Giovanna Corbatto (Caritas Italiana/Tavolo Asilo e Immigrazione) , Francesco Camisotti (CIDAS),  Michele Vannini (Funzione Pubblica CGIL)


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Date And Time

13-05-2022 | 14:00 to

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