The reception of Foreign Unaccompanied Minors: towards which model?

The reception of foreign unaccompanied minors in our country has been managed over the last few years in a fragmented and not continuous way. This has led to results that are far from the provisions of law and the Country’s traditional sensibility on a delicate issue such as the minor’s best interest. Starting from the local experiences and from the role that the Institutions have played in the last years, we want to reflect on the need to engage a new unit model. 

Introduction: Francesco Camuffo, Arci Terni


  • Monica Lanzillotto, Servizio Centrale;
  • Stefania Congia, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali;
  • Luce Bonzano, ASGI;
  • Antonella Inverno, Save the children;
  • Roberta Petrillo, Unicef – Ufficio Europa e Asia centrale
  • Anna Caputo, Arci Lecce Solidarietà
  • Caterina Boca Caritas Italiana




Date And Time

13-05-2022 | 09:00 to

Event Category

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