Inequalities, discriminations and information from migrants’ voices

Over the last two years Italy has seen, among the dramatic consequence from the Covid-19 pandemic, an increase in the already-existing inequalities. What are the local and national actions to counteract the discriminatory practices to access to essentiaol services? What are migrants’ perceptions and expectations before and after the arrival?


  • Paola Andrisani (Antropologa),
  • Veronica Fernandes (Giornalista),
  • Valentina Cappi (Sociologa),
  • Triantafillos Loukarelis (Direttore Unar),
  • Alessandro Penso (Fotoreporter),
  • Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfau (Docente e attivista).

To moderate Anna Meli (Vice-Presidente Carta di Roma).

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Date And Time

14-05-2022 | 11:00 to

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