Women’s effort in crisis context

The meeting aims to tell women’s effort  in humanitarian and social crisis contexts, a commitment that is on the same pace with the fights for marginalized population on a educational, cultural, social and institutional level.
From international cooperation, media work and activism, those womenìs engagement helps everyday to create a human-right-protection space where to promote both local and universal instances.

To moderate: Caterina Boca, Caritas Italiana

Introduction: Chiara Volpato,  ACLI 

Panelists:  Luciana Castellina, ARCI; Nela Lucic, associazione Bosnia nel cuore,  Francisca Sauquillo Movimiento por la Paz – MPDL; Marta Lempart,  Polish Women Strike; Giuliana Aliberti, Visionarie; Alessandra Morelli, esperta politiche umanitarie; Cristina Franchini, UNHCR

Conclusion: Susanna Camusso, CGIL



Date And Time

13-05-2022 | 11:00 to

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